Welcome to ISOFRR

האגודה הישראלית לחקר חמצן ורדיקלים חופשיים

The Israel Society for Oxygen and Free Radical Research is dedicated to enhancing interactions and providing meetings and discussion forums to Israeli researchers (from academia, government, hospitals, and industry) interested in redox biology and medicine. Redox biology is the study of oxidation-reduction processes associated with life. The society aims to promote scientific interaction between Israeli scientists who have interest in redox processes affecting health and disease. Areas of research include, but are not limited to:  roles of free radicals in cellular physiology and disease, adaptation to oxidative stress in different species (microorganisms, animals and plants), antioxidants, and redox-based therapeutics.

Please note that ISOFRR is linked with the Society for Free Radical Research – Europe. A dual membership option is available.

See also: https://www.sfrr-europe.org/index.php/membership

ISOFRR members enjoy benefits when publishing in Antioxidants, an international peer-reviewed open access journal published monthly online by MDPI. For more information visit the journal website.

The benefits for ISOFRR members are as follows:

  • 10% discount on the article processing charges to publish in Antioxidants

  • Discounted publication fees for open access books;

  • Sciforum.net platform for organizing ISOFRR conferences and conference organizing services at preferential rates. ISOFRR as well as each of its members will be able to use the platform free of charge if self-managed;

  • The possibility for the society and its members to post job announcements free of charge on the website of Antioxidants.


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      Redox biology is a broad and multidisciplinary field. It represents a growing area of research worldwide. ISOFRR welcomes all Israeli scientists who are active or have interest in the field of redox biology and medicine to take active part in the society activities.