ISOFRR holds annual meetings to promote the exchange of information, professional education, and to foster research.
Forthcoming meetings and events:
The next annual meeting of ISOFRR will take place at Tel Aviv University on Februyary 27, 2025 – Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Merbaum Auditorium
The program will include short student lectures
To download the program click here: 2025 Program
Registration fees are as follows:
Regular participant: 200 NIS
Speaker, student and retired: 100 NIS
Note: Registation is open until February 28
Payments can be made using cash or check only at the day of the coference (using credit card is not allowed)
We look forward to seeing you at the meeting!
Please feel free to pass this message on to other colleagues and students.
The organizing committee: Anat Elmann and Moran Benhar
Online Registration ISOFRR Meeting 2025

למידע על כנסים בינלאומיים בתחום הרדוקס – ראו באתר אגודת הרדוקס האירופאית
Society for Free Radical Research Europe
:בקישור הבא